So we could observe the triangle rising from the earth line, to grow like a mon­u­ment toward the high, until the utmost golden harmony (say high­/low) is ac­com­plished, i.e. to the point 1, thus realising a true and com­plete UNIT made with both elements, in that it links the One to the sym­met­ri­cal Two, marvelously giving place to the triad that virtually releases the en­er­gy of the four-golden circles.
A Triangular integration, where the Golden Ratio takes form from just a nu­mer­ic~lin­e­ar proportion, since all sides are in­volved to trigger a vi­bra­tion­al scene – as we have examined in a strict way – that justifies one energy field like that of the Great Pyramid. Something like magic!
The Emerald Tablet of Hermes unfolds:
“the above from the below, and the below from the above -
the work of the miracle of the One. And things have been from this primal substance
through a single act. Its Father is the sun and its Mother the moon.”
None other figure owns such properties.

The other simple triangle - easy to define in turn by two circles cross - it also partakes, but not in such an admirable and in­trin­sic way.
It is mirroring the Golden ratio by one side either, and even if the sum of one side to the base is in golden proportion with the other side, it is not self-contained, but is the essential com­po­nent of the Pentagon, the next wonderful step of our analysis.
In fact, this asymmetry requires 5 occurrences inside the same cir­cum­fer­ence, in which each side plays a role, to enter a vi­bra­tion­al construct fitting in the process of the becoming, through the need of advancement by a con­struc­tion­/de­struc­tion com­pen­sa­tion.

That's what I introduced in the analysis of the Quintile Aspects explained in my astrological treatise, © The Watch Publisher 1995-2003 (Italian only), the 1998 being the date of this image referred to my Astrologic Per­son­al­ized Agenda, custom-printed in those years.