The Vitruvian Man on X-rays
Far from being finished, a new, some questions arise:
- Why Marcus Vitruvius Pollio did not illustrate what he intended, alike any architectural plan and project in his great “De Architectura”?
- To which race and age and sex did he refer to, specifying so accurate details, down to the smallest phalanx of fingers and toes? men are all different, for countries, climate, life habits and needs which develop them in so many modes.
- Is there a model that could be taken as optimal, discarding all others from the Creative Universal Intelligence?
I wondered if the definition written by Vitruvius was literature, but not science, since the human arms and bodies don't match a square in a lot of cases.
Shall we restrict the standard to the terrestrial Roman Empire civilisation, or the Tuscany over times? it would be a meaningless dream, although with the signature by Leonardo Da Vinci.
But, looking further, eventually the extended arms width of people that make strongly use of them, like gymnasts and Olympic champions, it corresponds to their height, proving these today's samples that Vitruvius was reliable!
Nonetheless, if the square by height/width of the man might not be likely questioned, the circle drawn by Leonardo betrays a technical misinterpretation, for two main reasons.